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Posts — How to pack for a hot weather getaway

How to pack for a hot weather getaway

Ann Elia 8 Tips on How to pack for a warm weather getaway How to pack for a hot weather getaway Packing tips for a tropical getaway

How to pack for a hot weather getaway

Packing light for hot destinations can be hard.  Rather than over pack, follow my tips on how to pack light for your next getaway.  I've become a pro over the years. Tip 1- Fabric is key when packing for warm climates.  Think 100% cotton, bamboo fibers or fabric that offers SPF.  These fabrics are breathable so heat can escape the body. Tip 2- Pack only one pair of pants or shorts that you can coordinate 2 or 3 tops with. Tip 3- Pack only 3 shoes.  Sneakers for working out or exploring, flip flops and a dressier sandal.  Trust me,...

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